Tuesday, December 28, 2010

hello and goodbye 2010

Its been a full year since we've had our doors open here at BBKF. For the first time ever we've seen incredible productivity and focus streaming from our staff... however not in regards to blogging :)

What can be said about this year?

-Humanity continues to amaze me. In the way that one is captivated by a car crash, Ive observed some ridiculous statements in our culture with disgust and burning curiosity to see the blood and guts. Politically we have the idiots vs. the zealots who are so distracted by winning they don't realize they're neglecting those whom they are supposed to serve. Women are finally rendering more attention on the national stage, the best being staunch in their beliefs while still accepting those of others; the worst unable to recall the Bill of Rights. Lets hope that we see more of the former and less of the later. Rally for Sanity was our bright jewel of moderation, sad that it has to come in the form of comedic entertainment to actually happen. Laziness will gladly strip you of your democracy dummies.

-We lost some great humans this year. And for you we will continue to strive towards success on the wings of confidence and integrity you helped us create. And poor some on the ground for ya homie.

-The San Francisco Giants WON THE WORLD mutha fuckin' SERIES!!! Holy god, what a time to be alive to witness the pure unadulterated domination of the MLB in the post season. It feels so good, and those men deserve their comeuppance. Please see our HR department for complimentary motor boats.

-In expected yet still disappointing news, a number of fathers who neglected their existing children have irresponsibly created more. Lucky for them we have excellent methods of crime detecting that deters most people from vigilante justice. Specifically deterring me from riding in to their bedrooms like William "Fuck Yo Couch" Wallace and smashing their nuts with a mace. It would be an act on behalf of humanity.

-After 30 years of trying to figure out how this machine works, what it needs for optimum performance, I found the secret. And its delicious. I am a well oiled machine producing at full employment my hopes and dreams in to my reality. Cue haters.

-As proof that the universe is conspiring to make it all happen, the man of my dreams has reappeared in my life. He may have his issues but he doesn't mind mine so much. He may not be perfect, but he's perfect to me... stay tuned :)

-Me and mine rocked Europe this summer. Holy shit, was it BOSS. I highly recommend it, and there is no excuses why your ass is sitting in America being dumb in front of the TV eating HFCS snacks and drinking sugar-death (soda). Get the hell up and go culture yourself, see some old shit and experience how other people live. It will open up your soul and pour in electric life. Accents are a welcomed bonus (hubba hubba).

In 2011 we have a blank canvas, the drafts of possibilities flying furiously in our war room attempting to mold what could possibly be the best year yet. Everyone always sees the end of the year as some golden opportunity to start fresh and make a new. How sad. Every day of your life is the first day of the rest of your life. Screw waiting for the first to manifest your greatest destiny. Do it today. December 28, 2010. Or any day in the year when you know enough is enough- its time to fuck shit up and make some changes.When New Years Day comes around and people are making their resolutions to stop smoking, lose weight, spend more time with their family you can look them in the eye and tell them they're late on the game. Come early, be prepared or go home.